Yellow Factory
We create and implement technological solutions in rehabilitation and reintegration to work.
What we offer
Yellow Factory is a platform that can help you create and market technology to solve problems in the rehabilitation and re-integration to work. Yellow factory is optimising the industry of medical technology and supporting collaborating enterprises in three different fields.
Tracing improvement and constant development.
In cooperation with our Occupational Health Center (AMA Ned) and our outpatient Clinic for Occupational Medicine (IKA Ned) we trace challenges within the industry. Using these challenges we at Yellow Factory initiate in projects to solve problems in rehabilitation and re-integration to work.
Due to their partners, Yellow Factory has the resources to research and tests any technology. Medical devices, developed by Yellow Factory or by collaborating enterprises can be tested in our testing circuit to evaluate feasibility, user friendliness and technical reliability. Yellow factory can also execute patient evaluations and practical research. Which will later in the process stimulate effective market introduction.
Market Introduction
We can support implementation of technical solutions in practice and initiate effective market introduction. Due to our partners we have created a network which will stimulate market introduction and use in practice.